Our Persimmon trees came with the house, when we bought it two years ago. Winter hardy, requiring minimal care, they are a wonderful choice for those living in the north east.
Mine bears fruit once in two years…but when they do, what a fabulous treat for all our family and friends!
Last fall, we were blessed with a splendid harvest of these delicious Persimmons.
Juicy orange jewel colored treats that were as much a feast for the eye as the tastebuds!
And their size….was mindboggling!
We had never encountered, such big persimmons ever before!!
My friend Lisa, helped in their picking…
And we were lucky enough to harvest 53 big juicy ones…from our two trees.
Each persimmon was bigger than a large apple!
After we had our full of fresh persimmons… we even had some leftover for dehydrating.
The thick pieces tasted a litte like dry apricots, while the thinner pieces made excellent fruit leather bites!
My nieces….fell in love with them at first bite! 🙂