Tips for transplanting seedlings

How to transplant seedlings into pots

Seeds that we sow…grow into seedlings, that become plants.

We start the seeds in starter trays with small seed pods. Once the seeds germinate they become tiny seedlings that have just two sets of leaves.

Do not try to transplant at this stage, as your seedlings are still very delicate. Continue to care for them untill the next set of leaves begin to emerge. These new leaves are called true leaves.

Once true leaves appear, and your seedlings grow double the size of the seed pod, it’s time to transplant to a bigger pot.

To remove seedlings, I like to use a bamboo skewer to gently loosen soil from under the roots

Then slowly remove the seedlings, taking care to not disturb the soil near the roots.

If you have multiple seedlings in one pod….you will have to separate them carefully without straining the roots too much.

I like to transplant them in groups of two seedlings to one pot.

Try not to hold the stem of the seedlings, if they snap, your seedling will be lost. Instead maneuver the plant gently into the new pot by carefully dangling the leaves between your fingers. If you happen to lose a leaf….it can still grow back.

Put some moist soil in the base of the new pot. Place the seedling in the center and taking great care, press soil gently around the seedling.

Try to straighten and center the seedling in the new pot, by moving the soil around it. Do not try to adjust the seedling by the stem!

After transplanting, gently spray with water and keep in a sunny spot.

You will find, once transplanted …your seedlings start to grow very rapidly.

Continue to care for them with good sunlight and water till they grow into small plants and become double the size of the pot they are in.

At this stage you can either transplant them to a bigger pot or plant them directly into your vegetable patch.